Responsible Conduct Of Research Training For Graduate Students – Research - žžÀ² State University


Aerial photo of outside of the Graduate School building on campus, home to the Office of Research.

Responsible Conduct of Research Training for Graduate Students

žžÀ² State University offers several options for training in research compliance. Topics include: proper citation of other work, plagiarism, research misconduct, intellectual property and copyright, falsification and warranted editing of data, conflict of interest, authorship on manuscripts, and mentor-mentee relationships

Graduate Students Web-based Training
This web-based course is self-paced and provides the full spectrum of responsible conduct of research policies and norms. Case studies highlight RCR issues specific to students. Upon completion of this course students will be provided with a certificate of completion. To access CITI, please follow these steps: go to and register as a new user. Select žžÀ² State University in the Participating Institutions box. Follow additional instructions available .
Additional Resources